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Preparing for your appointment

The area being treated should be cleansed and free of makeup, deodorant and moisturizers. 

Avoid using products that contain Retinol or Glycolic acid for at least one week before and one week after treatments.  Do not have a chemical peel  two weeks prior or two weeks after treatments. 

Staying hydrated will help with the comfort of the treatments as well as avoiding caffeine and alcohol on treatment days.   

Tylenol can be taken 30 minutes before your electrolysis treatment to help with discomfort.

Hair to be treated needs to be at least an 1/8 inch at the appointment time, allowing us enough growth to be able to remove the hair with tweezers.  As long as there is enough hair growth, we will be able to treat the follicle.

Aftercare treatment

It is normal to be red and swollen.  This will subside quickly.  After your treatment, your electrologist will apply aloe and recommend ice and antibiotic ointment as needed.   

Once your electrolysis treatments have begun, you can shave or trim the hairs in between treatments.  Do not wax, tweeze or pluck hairs.  Doing so, prevents your electrologist from properly destroying and treating those hair follicles. 

Mild cleansers can be used after receiving treatments.  Avoid exfoliants and scrubs, which can cause irritation and scabbing.  Allowing time for the follicles to close will promote the healing process.  

Should crusts appear, apply a light coat of Neosporin 2x a day for 5 days. This will keep the skin moisturized and prevent irritation while keeping bacteria out of the hair follicles.  Should small pimples occur, mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt with warm water.  Using a cloth apply a compress to the affected area.  Do not use acne products.

The most essential step in the healing process is keeping the treated area free and clear of makeup and skin products.  Avoiding all sun exposure is recommended for 24 hrs. All of these necessary steps can prevent infections and scabbing.

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